The Canadian Aviation Historical Society is the oldest and largest organization in the world dedicated to the celebration and documentation of Canada's flying heritage. Members receive the CAHS Journal, Canada's premier aviation history magazine, regular newsletters, and an invitation to participate in the local activities of 11 regional chapters.
Sunday, 31 May 2009
The Canadian Aviation Historical Society
The Canadian Aviation Historical Society is the oldest and largest organization in the world dedicated to the celebration and documentation of Canada's flying heritage. Members receive the CAHS Journal, Canada's premier aviation history magazine, regular newsletters, and an invitation to participate in the local activities of 11 regional chapters.
Manitoba Historical Society
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Friday, 29 May 2009
Chinese Historical Society of America
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Marie-Madeleine Jarret de Verchères
Lire aussi :
Madeleine de Verchère
Read also :
Madeleine de Verchères
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Pictures Highlight History

Kulwant Roy died broke and broken.The veteran photographer figured his decades of work were meaningless. So how does it come that a traveling display of his work will get not one, but two, shows in far-off Regina 25 years after his death?
See Also :
Kulwant Roy
Rare historical photographs
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Sunday, 17 May 2009
La "Petite Hermine" de Jacques Cartier et Diverses Monographies Historiques

La "Petite Hermine" de Jacques Cartier et diverses monographies historiques
par N.-E. Dionne
Éditeur : [Québec? : s.n.], 1913
ISBN: 0665739427 DDC: 971.01092
L'original publié dans la collection: Galerie historique; 8.
Comprend des références bibliographiques.
Sommaire: La Petite Hermine de Jacques Cartier -- Le Séminaire de
Notre-Dame des Agnes, 1625-1640 -- Jean-François de La Rocque,
seigneur de Roberval -- Vice-rois et lieutenants généraux de la
Nouvelle-France, 1540-1737.
Friday, 15 May 2009
Les 100 Premières Années de la Charpenterie Navale à Québec, 1663-1763
Auteur : Brisson, Réal, 1946-
Titre : Les 100 premières années de la charpenterie navale à Québec : 1663-1763 / Réal N. Brisson.
Éditeur : Québec : Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1983
Description : 318 p. : ill., cartes, fac-sim., plans ; 25 cm
Collection : Edmond-de-Nevers
Notes : Titre de la couv.: La Charpenterie navale à Québec sous le régime français.
"Thèse présentée à l'Ecole des gradués de l'Université Laval pour l'obtention du grade de maîtrise ès arts (M.A.) en histoire". - P. [4].
Bibliogr.: p. 285-305.
Comprend un index.
ISBN : 2892240301
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Relations des Jésuites de la Nouvelle-France

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Les Relations des Jésuites in english :
Full text :
En racontant : récits de voyages en Floride, au Labrador et sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent

Auteur : Gregory, J.U. (John Uriah), 1830-1913
Titre : En racontant : récits de voyages en Floride, au Labrador et sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent / par M. J.U. Gregory; traduit de l'anglais par Alphonse Gagnon
Éditeur : Québec : Typographie de C. Darveau, 1886
Description : 244 p. ; 19 cm
Notes : Collection Saint-Sulpice (Fonds L.W. Sicotte)
Monday, 11 May 2009
L' Acadie, l'Acadie?!?

Michel Brault, Pierre Perrault, 1971, 117 min 59 s
Long métrage documentaire tourné dans les coulisses de l’action à l’Université de Moncton (Nouveau-Brunswick), théâtre du réveil acadien de la fin des années 1960. Dans une province où 40 pour cent des gens s'expriment en français, le film témoigne de la détermination des étudiants, qui s'étendra à une majorité d'Acadiens, après des siècles de défaitisme et de résignation.
Les Acadiens de la Dispersion

Léonard Forest, 1968, 118 min 8 s
Documentaire sur l’identité acadienne dont Édith Butler signe la musique. Ce film nous fait voyager au cœur de la famille acadienne dispersée pour nous faire saisir de l’extérieur les perspectives d'avenir toutes nouvelles sur la vie sociale, économique, culturelle, religieuse, traditionnelle et même politique de l'Acadie. Tourné au Canada, en France et en Louisiane.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Friday, 8 May 2009
Thursday, 7 May 2009
En Guettant les Ours : Mémoires d'un Médecin des Laurentides
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Louis Riel
Synopsis: What thoughts ran through Louis Riel's mind as he stood on the scaffold, waiting for the trap door to open to his death? Perhaps he thought about the turmoil that surrounded him, a turmoil that still surrounds the controversial Métis leader today. Even now, Louis Riel is a hero to many, a visionary, the fiery leader of a downtrodden people. To others he is a madman, a traitor, or a misguided zealot.
Riel was born in the Red River Colony of what is now Manitoba, the son of a prominent Métis leader and a French Canadian mother. He was educated as a lawyer in Montréal, but he returned to his home at the age of 24, just as Canada was preparing to acquire the vast territory called Rupert's Land from the Hudson's Bay Company. Since the Red River Colony was part of Rupert's Land, the Métis people feared that they would lose control of their own homeland.
The Métis are the proud descendants of French Canadian coureurs de bois and voyageurs and native mothers. They were great buffalo hunters of the plains who saw their way of life threatened by the arrival of English-speaking Canadians from the East.
Riel gathered others around him to stop Canadian representatives from entering the settlement. They formed a "provisional government" to negotiate with the Canadian government. Their actions, known as the Red River Rebellion, led to the creation of the province of Manitoba in 1870.
Though there was also no bloodshed in the Rebellion, the provisional government did execute one unruly prisoner named Thomas Scott. The heated reaction the execution created in Ontario forced Riel to flee for his safety. He spent years in Québec, New England and in the American Midwest. Though he was twice elected a member of Parliament, he did not dare take his seat in Ottawa.
It was during these confusing years that Riel's religious feelings, which had always been strong, grew to a steadfast conviction that he was sent by God as the prophet of a new North American Catholicism.
In 1884, Riel was teaching school in Montana when some Métis from Saskatchewan asked for his help in their difficulties with the Canadian government. Like the Red River Métis, they feared that their lands would be taken. Riel wrote petitions and letters to Ottawa. Then in 1885 the Métis lost patience and claimed a provisional government of their own. On March 26, about 300 Métis, led by Riel, clashed with about 100 North West Mounted Police and volunteers, touching off the Northwest Rebellion.
The Canadian government responded quickly with a force of 8,000 men. The armies met on May 9, 1885 at Batoche, and by May 12, the overpowered Métis were defeated, and Riel surrendered.
American Revolution Lecture on the U.S. Constitution
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Scrapbooks An American History

Details About the Book :
· Subtitle : An American History
· Author : Jessica Helfand
· Hardcover : 190 pages
· Publisher : A Winterhouse Edition , Yale University Press, (New Haven & London),
( October 2008)
· Language : English
· ISBN : 978-0-300-12635-8
· Product Dimensions: 9.26x12.36x.83 in.
· Shipping Weight: 2.85 lbs.
· QNL / BNQ (Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec) Reference: 818.520309H4746s2008
Presentation of the editor :
About the author :
Jessica Helfand is partner, with William Drenttel in Winterhouse, a design studio in the Berkshires.
She is one of the four founding editors of Design Observer, currently the largest international blog of design and cultural criticism. A former contributing editor and columnist for Print, Communications Arts and Eye magazines, she has written for numerous national publications including Aperture, The Los Angeles Times Book Review and The New Republic, and has twice appeared on National Public Radio. A member of the Writers Guild of America for more than two decades, Helfand was previously part of the CBS-TV Guiding Light writing team that won an Emmy Award for best writing in 1985.
She is the author of several books on design and cultural criticism, including Paul Rand: American Modernist (1998), Screen: Essays on Graphic Design, New Media and Visual Culture (2001) and Reinventing the Wheel (2002), which formed the basis for an exhibit in 2003 at The Grolier Club in New York City. Her next book, Scrapbooks: An American History will be published in 2008 by Yale University Press.
Helfand received both her BA and her MFA from Yale University, where she has taught for the last decade in the graduate program in Graphic Design, and where she is a Fellow at Jonathan Edwards College. She lives in Falls Village, Connecticut, with her husband, William Drenttel and their two children, Malcolm and Fiona.
About the book :
Combining pictures, words, and a wealth of personal ephemera, scrapbook makers preserve on the pages of their books a moment, a day, or a lifetime. Highly subjective, rich in emotional meaning, the scrapbook is a unique and often quirky form of expression in which a person gathers and arranges meaningful materials to create a personal narrative. This richly illustrated book is the first to focus close attention on the history of American scrapbooks - their origins, their makers, their diverse forms, the reasons for their popularity, and their place in American culture.
Jessica Helfand, a graphic designer and scrapbook collector, examines the evolution of scrapbooks from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the present, concentrating particularly on the first half of the twentieth century. She includes color photographs from more than 200 scrapbooks, some made by private individuals and others by the famous, including F. Scott Fitzgerald, Lillian Hellman, Anne Sexton, Hilda Doolittle and Carl Van Vechten. Scrapbooks, while generally made by amateurs, represent a striking and authoritative form of visual autobiography, Helfand finds, and when viewed collectively they offer a unique perspective on the changing pulses of American cultural life.
Published with assistance from Furthermore: a program of the J. M. Kaplan Fund.
Link about the book :
Pierre’s book review :
First of all, meet the author :
Now that you know the author and the principles behind the book, take a look about
Marybelle Harn’s scrapbook :
Now look at Francis "Pop" Johnson’s scrapbook :
Now read a review in the New-York Times about this book :
Pierre's opinion about the book :
This books gives you the quintessential images of some ancient crapbook’s pages carefully chosen over more than 200 books. This is a pure gem of modern graphical,cultural and historical anthropology when you look at scrapbooking done at a certain epoch as a micoscosm of this particulat time.
When you remove the theater, the music, the essay, the novels, the sculpture, the painting, the theater, the dance, the poetry from the performing arts, you enter inside a smaller intimate instinctive univers of remembrance, personnal cognitive expressions, souvenirs, wich uses a little bit of the light of the major arts and their modes of expression : this is scrapbooking. For people with less means of expression, instead of leaving a book to Humanity, they humbly leave a srapbook to their relatives. This is a way to say : I am flashing this little light of mine before dying anonymously.
Long ago, it must be -- I have a photograph. Preserve your memories: They're all that's left you. (Paul Simon)
You know my character : I have cried when I have seen the vid concerning Francis "Pop" Johnson’s scrapbook. As a man I saw there : all the companionship, all the friendship and the dedication for the nation those human beings, those soldiers had. This is very difficult to seize the vibrance of one soul when this soul is not a great composer or a great author but in fact all souls are vibrating equally. Jessica Hellfand is a sorceress wich leads us from one scrapbook page to another ; so we can meet people who copied and pasted some tiny parts of their universe.
My appreciation of the book : 9/10.
My appreciation : 9 / 10 . A pure source of happiness.
Friday, 1 May 2009
En canot : petit voyage au lac St-Jean
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